YKK Values

Trusted in the industry for decades

YKK has been a leading manufacturer of many different fastening products including zippers, buckles and snap buttons. We are proud to be a part of your everyday life in such a vast amount of applications. Especially in high technology industries, our brands such as DYNAT, BDM and YKK are trusted for more than 50 years. Our specialized products introduced in this website are the ones we offer for solid protection in the extreme environments. Please take a look at the link below to find out where YKK products are being used in different applications.

Committed to quality craftsmanship

Our customers’ point of view is paramount in our pursuit of quality craftsmanship, and this pursuit permits us to attain a global standard of quality based on a philosophy of integrated production.
Maintaining stable and constant quality has become one of the fundamental elements for global manufacturers like YKK. We have been reinforcing our quality management system, and in some cases, developed specific products to meet certain laws and regulations.
Please take a look at the link how we test our products.

Reliable global network

YKK's Water and Protective series of products are manufactured in multiple locations around the world as the globalization of manufacturing continues to expand. YKK Water series products are manufactured in Japan, Europe, USA and China. However, our global sales network allows you to purchase these specialized zippers from a location that suits you. Below you will find more than 100 locations around the world to enable you to find your nearest YKK sales location.